and sold at BURGGASSE 24
- Ages 18 to 25
- Citizen of the world (hello)
- Min. 72dpi, short side min. 2000px
- Mobile, analog or digital photography
Minimum of 5, maximum of 20 photos
We are looking for any kind of photography, which has an artistic approach and speaks the new language of the upcoming generation of photographers.
HWG YOUNG TALENTS EDITION is an open edition where prints aren't designated with a specific edition size.
BURGGASSE 24 is one of Vienna’s hippest namesake concept stores! Located in the heart of the seventh district, next to Ulrich’s Square. Founded in 2013, it has continued to grow and transform into the iconic space it is today.
Spread out across our 500 square metre space you’ll see 3 very unique but interactive areas: Cafe Lounge / Bar and the Shop stocked with a vast selection of hand picked vintage clothing and curated young photoart. (spaced over 2 floors).
______________________________________________________If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail.