• Ohne Titel (2) "Das Tal der Vergessenen"
  • Ohne Titel (2) "Das Tal der Vergessenen"

Ohne Titel (2) "Das Tal der Vergessenen"

Dominik Geiger


Wall Preview

Please use this feature to see how the print looks in the space you will hang it. Follow the instructions to move the print backwards to place it on the wall. As this is an early stage technology, we don’t advise using it for scale judgement.

Wall Preview

Das Tal der Vergessenen The Valley of the Forgotten is an exploration of a densely forested region in West-Ukraine in-which an Austrian community has settled down for more than 250 years ago. 


Edition Size

285€  | 40cm x 50cm - Edition 5 + 1AP

C-Type Print on Fuji Crystal archive paper / matt, 231gsm

Certificate of Authenticity


Currently shown at Rotlichtfestival Vienna 


Phase 2

20th May - 8th July 2022

This is an artists personal Art Funding Initiative, to help people in Ukraine. 

You can help by buying art. Every print is a donation. 

For each sold print, 50€ will be donated by the artist to SOS Kinderdorf.

Shipping: Shipping is done within 14 days. All fees are included - free shipping worldwide. We will notify you when we are ready to ship.


Phase 1

26th March - 14th April 2022

All net-proceeds are being donated to SOS Kinderdorf 

Production with friendly assistance of Foto Leutner
